Discover the enchanting sound of the Pearl Nut Wind Ring, a unique musical instrument crafted from the shell of the pearl nut. Weighing just 0.3KG and with a diameter of less than 20cm, this hand-held rattle produces a gentle, soothing sound that complements African drums beautifully.
Not only is the Pearl Nut Wind Ring a delightful addition to musical performances, but it also serves as a valuable tool in healing professions. The calming ringtone it generates can promote relaxation and well-being, making it perfect for both musical and therapeutic settings. Enhance your music-making or healing practice with this exquisite instrument that combines natural materials and serene sounds.
- Material: Natural pearl nut shell
- Weight: 0.3 KG
- Diameter: Less than 20 cm
- Sound Type: Rattle-like, gentle tones
Package Includes:
- 1 Pearl Nut Wind Ring
Note: Ideal for musicians, therapists, or anyone looking to incorporate soothing sounds into their environment.